Hello, I am Ronit!

Student, Developer, and Entrepreneur

Discover more
  • Name: Ronit Thummaluru
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • School: Northeastern University
  • Age: 21 Years
  • Hometown: Princeton, NJ

I am a student in Northeastern's class of 2024, pursuing a combined major in Computer Science and Finance. I have been studying computer science since my freshman year in high school, and am comfortable coding in Java, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Typescript. I've also been learning about business concepts since sophmore year in highschool and are very familiar with many market concepts. When I'm not in classes or working on co-op, I'm often doing research on my latest start-up venture with the help of IDEA, Northeastern's venture accelerator. I've also done software engineering as well as financial and IT analyst internships/co-ops with multiple start-ups, John Hancock and Ahold Dehaize.

A variety of extracurriculars I'm involved in on campus include: BU Jalwa (BU's inter-collegiate bollywood fusion dance team), Disrupt (Northeastern's FinTech Innotiative), and IDEA (Northeastern's Venture Accelerator). In the rare moments I'm free, I also enjoy working out, playing ice hockey, playing guitar, and exploring Boston!

My Education

  • Northeastern University

    Bachelors Degree | 2020-Present

    Majors: Computer Science and Business Administration

    Concentration: Finance

    Relevant coursework: Object Oriented Design, Discrete Structures, Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Algorithms and Data, Investments, Foundations of Data Science, Database Design, Management Information Systems, Software Engineering, Machine Learning in Finance
    Awards: NU Resilience award, ATA Youth Scholarship, Deans List

  • South Brunswick Highschool

    High School Diploma | 2016-2020

    Relevant coursework: Business Organization and Management, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, Data Structures, AP Computer Science, Android Mobile Development, VR & Game Design
    Activities: Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Ice Hockey, Varsity Track and Field

My Experience

  • Ahold Dehaize

    IT Finance Co-op | Boston, MA (Hybrid) | June 2023 - Current

    • Partnered with technology teams to monitor financial performance and identify opportunities for cost optimization and process improvement.
    • Developed and delivered project status reports, presentations, and other project-related communications directly to CIO and other VP leads.
    • Conducted financial analysis on incoming IT projects across multiple brands to support business decisions, including forecasting, budgeting, variance analysis, and scenario planning.

  • Velar

    Co-Founder | Boston, MA | September 2021 - September 2023

    • Completed an 8-week program developing skills in Design Thinking, Ideation, Python, SQL, Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Financial/Business Modelling
    • Designed a Real-Estate, EduTech and FinTech based platform
    • Won 1st place in FinTech pitch competition to receive $5,000 in intial funding

    View the initial pitch deck here!.

  • John Hancock

    Investment Analyst | Boston, MA | January 2022 - June 2022

    • Performed Analysis on daily returns of 50 portfolios by comparing to respective benchmarks and recording the relative over/underperformance of the fund
    • Created and sent out reports on fund performance of 50 portfolios to clients
    • Utilized UIpath to take full advantage of RPA and improve efficiency within the Performance and Analytics division by automating the process of updating daily reports

  • KarHappy

    Software Engineer Intern | Charlotte, NC (Remote) | July 2021 - September 2021

    • Shadowed under and reported directly to the CTO
    • Added a drop down feature in the user sign-up where they could select the specific services they were interested, specifically used php under Xampp
    • Provided insight into different marketing strategies the company could use to relay information on their multiple services
    • Introduced to SQL and the implications of the database for user authentication

  • iMaxCRM

    Software Engineering Intern | Monmouth Junction, NJ (Remote) | July 2020 - October 2020

    • Researched and developed presentations on Agile Product development frameworks, Jira Software and Confluence to inform CEO on how these tools can be used to guide a product from conception to production
    • Developed over 50 materials for support guides on how to navigate the new UI
    • Introduced to SDLC

  • Lions Club International (Volunteering)

    Vice President | Monmouth Junction, NJ | January 2017 - September 2021

    • Co-organized first ever 5k run under the club to raise over $3000 towards Diabetes Awareness and Research
    • Planned, organized and held multiple volunteering events year round for highschoolers
    • Partnered with Special Olympics NJ to host bi-annual competitions for those with special needs

My Extracurriculars

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BU Jalwa

BU Jalwa is New England’s Premier Bollywood Fusion Dance Team where we travel the country and compete nationally in the inter-collegiate dance circuit, Desi Dance Network

Check out our latest performance here!.

Disrupt: The FinTech Initiative

A community driving education, advancement, and engagement in Financial Technology at Northeastern University

I participate in the Finnovate program going through a series of workshops to create a new innovative idea in the FinTech space

Our teams pitch received 1st place as well as the audience favorite and social media awards which gave us around $5k in funding

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IDEA is Northeasterns student-led venture accelerator and after going through the Finnovate program, we were moved straight into the venture accelerator

Here we worked with professors, mentors and other entreprenurially minded students to try and bring our venture to life

Get in touch

If you want to contact me, fill out the following form and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can!